This PhD dissertation (PDF) of Peter G. Munyi from Wageningen University and Research is a study of the relationship between plant breeders’ rights on the one hand and access to seed and planting material for smallholder farmers in Kenya on the other hand. Access to seeds invariably affects food availability and security and ultimately, the right to […]
Critical capital for African agrifood small and medium enterprises
This study (PDF) by ICCO cooperation, Rabobank Foundation, AgriProFocus and the Food and Business Knowledge Platform focuses on agrifood small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that form the ‘missing middle’: too large for micro-finance and too small for mainstream banks and private equity firms. The study evaluates the access of risk capital by agrifood SMEs. SMEs are key […]
Financing agriculture for a more profitable rural economy
This policy brief (PDF) by CTA discusses the Brussels Development Briefings on finance for agri-value chains. Throughout Africa, concerted efforts have been made to achieve structural economic transformation in agriculture, moving from basic, low-skilled production to diversified, higher value, more sophisticated and competitive production. Yet commercial lending to agriculture is still limited; farmers must still obtain […]