Stimulating market system change is a multi-faceted and non-linear process. It has distinct management implications for implementers. Implementers, and those who contract them, must prepare themselves for this move away from ‘business as usual’. A less direct, more catalytic approach requires programme managers to provide conditions that are conducive to flexibility, innovation and trial and error. Recruitment and personnel capacity building must be consistent with the demands of the approach. This guidance looks at key considerations for three aspects of programme management: assessing whether systems are ready and fit for purpose; ensuring staff are empowered and willing to manage market system interventions; and equipping programme teams with the ability to manage market systems development effectively.
This chapter focuses on three aspects of programme management – readiness, willingness and ability:
Readiness: Assess whether systems are ready and fit for purpose: Understand where organisational processes and procedures may constrain implementation of the market systems development approach; develop strategies to mitigate these constraints .
Willingness: Ensure staff are empowered and willing to manage market systems interventions: Establish conditions that encourage flexibility and innovation amongst staff, reflecting the dynamic nature of market systems interventions
Ability: Equip programme teams with the ability to manage market systems development effectively: Assemble programme teams that offer leadership as well as technical expertise, supported by a strategy and resources for building team capacity