More than 40,000 Sunflower farmers in Singida and Dodoma Regions are likely to raise their revenue collections and equally increase employment opportunities in their midst as a result of a new sunflower hybrid seeds sourced to them
Lindi, Mtwara get alternative cash crop
Sunflower stands a chance to become an alternative cash crop in the southern regions of Lindi and Mtwara that farmers need to grab its employment opportunities and reap the benefits of increasing their income. Traditionally, the major cash crops in the area are cashew nuts, sesame, coconuts, and pigeon-peas, the crop whose export market has […]
30,000 sunflower farmers ink pact with 7 oil firms
More than 27,000 sunflowers farmers in the three regions have into contract farming with seven oil processors that would see improvement in the quality of their produce and livelihood, this revealed by Ringo Iringo an official of central corridor sunflower Processors Association. The aim was to link sunflowers directly to the market by connecting them […]
The Analysis of Pro-poor Growth Opportunities in National and Regional Markets for Sunflower Oil and Maize
Consumer behaviour and preferences are some of the most important issues directly affecting value chains. What happens at the end of the chain has a direct impact on the whole ecosystem. Understanding key consumer demand drivers are important because of the substantial economic impact they have on the industry. The purpose of this study was […]
Hybrid seeds prove good performance in Singida
More than 150,000 sunflower farmers in the country are poised to raise their revenues and increasing employment opportunities from benefits brought about by sunflower hybrid seeds, which have proved to give high yield within a short period of time.
Let Sunflower help grow local edible oil industry
Tanzania is the second biggest producer of Sunflower in Africa, behind South Africa accounting for 35% of the continents’ total production. But yet Tanzania imports 50% of its edible oil needs.