Construct a causal logic linking interventions to system-level change, benefits for the target group from economic growth or access to basic services, and poverty reduction
You have now developed a realistic vision of the way the market system should work in future, and outlined the main focus of your interventions. You can now elaborate your Strategic Framework for this system. Add more detail to the logic linking your programme’s main interventions to system-level change(s) and your programme’s poverty reduction goal. The key questions to ask are:
Are the links between each level of the Strategic Framework realistic?
As Chapter 1 explains, the Strategic Framework must layout realistic causal links, making plausible connections between your main interventions and the chain of results expected at output, outcome and impact levels (to use logframe terminology).
Are changes at the system-level elaborated precisely?
What you write in boxes below the impact level must represent a changed behaviour and practice. For instance, ‘community water enterprises finance operational and maintenance expenditure’ or ‘input supply firms implement a new curricula for training retailers in their distribution network’. The aim is to provide an unambiguous, concise description of the anticipated change and therefore a basis for measuring and communicating market system change to programme stakeholders.