Setting a strategic framework for programmes using a market systems approach.
Programmes wanting to adopt a market systems approach need a broad strategic framework setting out their main parameters so that funding approval can be sought and design can be started. The strategic framework will explain to funders and staff how the intervention will lead to changes in market systems and how the poor access those markets.
The strategic framework must be broad and flexible, compared to traditional or direct delivery programmes. Local contexts and markets can be affected in unexpected ways so developing a detailed, long term plan at the beginning is not useful.
The strategic framework guides programmes to select and analyse market systems where (a) There is potential to reach significant numbers of poor women and men, i.e. The target group (b) There are prospects for significant change that can benefit poor people and (c) Inducing positive, lasting changes in systems appears feasible entails the following steps;
- Define the poverty reduction objective. Consider the programme’s potential for reaching large numbers of poor people and identify the ‘target group’ (such as agricultural producers or industrial workers). Remember, ‘the poor’ is not a homogeneous category. Your programme must consider issues such as gender, ethnicity, age, physical capability, geographic location and relative poverty.
- Identify broad opportunities to benefit the target group. Focus on better incorporating the target group in markets, for example through improved access to basic services or improving their ability to participate in and benefit from market activity.
- Assess the feasibility of system-level change. Consider how likely it is to achieve change in short funding cycles and within the political and social context you’re working in.
- Establish the programme’s main parameters, seek funding approval, and guide a detailed design process