These are perceptions and recommendations that came out of a study conducted in 12 regions of Tanzania between the months May and June 2017 which analyzed factors that youth believe limit their engagement in sunflower, maize and pulses value chains resulting in disempowerment affecting their livelihoods and potential incomes. The study considered what is at stake for youth and poverty alleviation if this group of the population is not properly engaged when dealing with enabling markets for the poor. AMDT, with a consortium of partners, targets youth economic empowerment as among strategic interventions that aim at establishing better functioning rural market eco-systems around the productive poor, enabling them take advantage of income and employment opportunities as market systems improve by becoming more inclusive, resilient, and competitive. The results of this study should enable AMDT and its partners to make informed decisions when designing these interventions.
Perceptions on Empowering the Dormant Youth
Publisher : AMDT