AMDT intends to be a leading institution in the promotion and practice of the M4P approach in the agricultural sector in Tanzania. It will generate a large amount of information, studies and learnings which can benefit the wider agricultural community.
The knowledge hub strives to make information available in the most appropriate way for users. AMDT is positioned in the agricultural sector to adopt a coordinating role and strategically engage with stakeholders, including the government, to improve the enabling environment for agriculture.
In order to unleash large-scale systemic change for the benefit of the productive poor AMDT adopts a Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) approach. M4P is an overarching approach that guides the assessment of market systems, future planning and actions to bring about change. The M4P approach ensures that sub-sector and value chain analyses and development intervention focus is on the poor within the market systems, so as to promote and ensure pro-poor inclusive developments.