The Agriculture Markets Development Trust (AMDT) is a long term facility with a life span of at least 10 years aiming to increase incomes and employment opportunities for poor women, men, and young people in Tanzania. AMDT’s mission is to enable change in agricultural market systems so that productive poor women, men and youth can […]
Tanzania’s Value Chain Roadmap for Pulses (2016-2020)
Tanzanian production and exports of pulses have both increased rapidly in the last decade. The production of pulses is focused on four main products : cow-peas, pigeon peas, chickpeas and dried beans, mainly exported to traditional markets. Pulse production almost doubled in the last five years alone. However, the country faces serious challenges in this […]
Climate-Smart Agriculture Guideline for the United Republic of Tanzania
A country–driven response to climate change, food and nutrition insecurity Agriculture is an essential pillar of The United Republic of Tanzania’s economy, and a key driver of rural development. In fact, the sector employs 78 percent of the population; it contributes to approximately 95 percent of the national food requirements; it provides livelihood to more […]
Blueprint for Regulatory Reforms to Improve the Business Environment
This Blueprint provides the Government’s main framework for enabling a holistic review of business enabling environment (BEE) in order to improve the business climate in Tanzania. It presents key challenges affecting the business environment in Tanzania along with a set of recommendations for reform to put in p lace a more business friendly environment. The […]
Perceptions on Empowering the Dormant Youth
These are perceptions and recommendations that came out of a study conducted in 12 regions of Tanzania between the months May and June 2017 which analyzed factors that youth believe limit their engagement in sunflower, maize and pulses value chains resulting in disempowerment affecting their livelihoods and potential incomes. The study considered what is at […]
Rural Agricultural Markets Reducing Poverty
Markets have been identified as key institutions for driving economic transformation because it is at the market that value is directly attached to the production. Whilst this may be the reality, the productivity of smallholder farmers and their ability to compete in the commodity markets, known for an emphasis on quality and quantity, have been, […]
National Post-Harvest Management Strategy-NPHMS (2018-2027)
In Tanzania, domestic food production is sufficient to meet national food needs. However, some of the regions suffer perennial food shortages due to inherent weaknesses, especially post-harvest systems, which contribute to higher food prices, as a result of decreased food supply to the market. Due to increasing magnitude of post-harvest losses, which is estimated to […]
Agricultural Sector Development Programme Phase Two (ASDP II)
The Agricultural sector Development Project for Tanzania has two complementary objectives: (1) to enable farmers to have better access to and use of agricultural knowledge, technologies, marketing systems and infrastructure; all of which contribute to higher productivity, profitability, and farm incomes; and (2) to promote agricultural private investment based on an improved regulatory and policy […]